Practical Japanese Style Moxibustion

Module 2

Next Date : TBD


Mark Petruzzi LAc,lmt 

*with a livestream lecture from junji mizutani lac

Practical Moxibustion will be the 2rd module, taught by Mark Petruzzi. Moxibustion is the application of heat to acupuncture points and is one of the oldest and most effective forms of East Asian Medicine.  It is a technique that originated in China and was introduced to Japan more than a thousand years ago.  Japanese acupuncturists have adopted methods of both direct and indirect, but prefer to use direct moxibustion (tonetsukyu) because of its effectiveness.  Mark Petruzzi will teach the theory and physiology of moxibustion as well as its comfortable, safe and effective application on the whole body as practiced in Japan.  Autonomic nervous system balance and immune system enhancement, as well as symptomatic treatments of such disorders as digestive problems, gynecological problems, and lower back pain will be covered